Good morning, Loving this doctor’s letter from June newsletter.. It is amazing how much our society is learning and being open to what we have known for so many years. Thank you for teaching me so much. I had an experience with my husband also, having a heart condition and did treatment on him while heading to ER. By the time we got there all his test were normal, but he still has a hard time believing in me and the angels. I accept that and still do what I do.
Thank you again for helping so many people on our lovely planet. Blessings and Bliss.
Vicky Riser, RN
Carol, thank you again for teaching me Quantum Touch.
My wife and I had a baby boy named Jaxon and during the birth I used Quantum Touch on my wife. She was being induced because her amniotic fluid was low and we were at the hospital when the doctor came in to check her at 8pm she was 4cm dilated which was not much change from what it had been hours earlier.
The doctor told her that we would likely deliver between 2 and 3 am the next day. Jaxon was doing fine but with her fluid level low and her labor not progressing I was concerned that my wife would end up with a C-section so I thought it might help to use QT to help the birthing process. I placed my hands on my wife’s belly and began to run the energy of love into her belly and womb to the baby. I could feel a pulsating energy underneath my hands and a warmth. After about 30 to 45 minutes my wife began to shake as if she had chills from a fever, yet she had no temperature!
We summoned her nurse who then checked her and said, “Well looks like your baby is coming!” The nurse quickly called the doctor and 15 minutes later the doctor was there and a few minutes after that Jaxson was born.
Amazingly, my wife never had to push! Her uterus contracted perfectly to help Jaxon come out quickly.
In reading about usual labor typically a woman will dilate about a 1cm per hour. My wife dilated about 6cm in under 2 hours and our baby came out very quickly and healthy I might add.
So, thank you Carol again for teaching me QT. I am in Pasadena, CA and noticed that classes are offered here so will plan to take some classes when I have the time as a refresher course.
Joshua Jacobi, M.D.
Carol, I was summoned to take care of a gentleman having a heart attack. While I was racing through the streets to the hospital, I started using techniques that I learned in a Quantum Touch class on getting this man’s artery to open up before I got to the hospital.
Once I got there, I started asking the man question about what his pain level was at its worst and what his pain level is at the present time. He stated it was an 8 at its worst and was pretty much gone by the time I got there. I looked up at his monitor and I did not see any ST elevation which indicated his artery was open, however in a few minutes we would find out from sure when I his cardiac catheterization.
We transported him to the cath lab. Everything went smoothly and I started to take pictures of the artery that was blocked. To my amazement it was open. It did have a 95% blockage that I opened with a stent. We completed the procedure and talked to his wife to let her know he was doing great.
Afterward, I was driving home thinking to myself that what just happened was pretty cool. I thanked God for help me help the patient. One of the things I recently learned is to get my ego out of the way when learning how to do this work. My other lesion I am still learning is to get my conscious mind from analyzing the process while I am doing process.
Joshua Jacobi, M.D.
Discovering Quantum-Touch for a Medical Practice
Here are a few notes written by a Quantum-Touch student, Medical Doctor Cardiologist with his permission.
Joshua Jacobi, MD
Internal Medicine, Cardiologist
Pasadena, Ca
(In his free time, Dr Jacobi enjoys weightlifting, hiking, reading writing an exploring holistic/alternative approach to medicine)
I am an Interventional Cardiologist—the type of physician that provides stints and other procedures for people who have had heart attacks or other heart problems. So—you wonder—what is a Cardiologist doing learning Quantum-Touch and other energy medicine techniques. Quite a lot.
My grandfather was a General Practitioner in Katy, Texas where I grew up. I enjoyed being in his office, seeing the medical instruments and watching him interact with his patients in a kind and caring manner. This gave me the idea to become a physician. When I went to college, I got degrees in both Biology and Psychology because I was interested in how the mind works and how the body and mind influence each other.
During medical school at the University of Texas San Antonio I became fascinated with Internal Medicine. This specialty was like being a detective, a Sherlock Holmes. It required figuring out what was going on, thinking and analyzing the visible facts and not so visible facts. It was a process of seeing the whole forest instead of individual trees. I really enjoyed that. Initially I hadn’t planned to become a Cardiologist, but it fit my personality of problem solving and yet getting quick results. For example, if you provide an open artery, the patient gets immediate relief. While doing my training in Cardiology, I became interested in exploring other intellectual ideas such as healing. I started training in energy medicine; however, I was busy establishing my practice and was not able to continue.
Now I have full responsibility for my practice, and no one is looking over my shoulder. Recently on Facebook, my energy medicine mentor mentioned chronic pain and Quantum-Touch. It only took a few minutes to goggle, find Carol Lee, a Quantum-Touch Instructor, Level 1 and 2. As the saying goes, “the rest is history.” Now after two Level 1 workshops and one Level 2 workshop, I am applying the Quantum-Touch principles in my practice on a regular basis.
What I have learned is that with energy medicine there are different routes to healing, but none is superior to another. Quantum-Touch is a way to get good results. The biggest take home for me is that Quantum-Touch really does work. When I am faced with an emergency, it doesn’t take the place of what I do, but enhances my ability to take care of patients and that’s what I love.
Great workshops which I thoroughly enjoyed! Great Instructor!
Joshua Jacobi, MD
Carol’s Story
July 8, 2019
Carol has been a student, of Energy Based modalities for more than 30 years. She is a Teacher, Author, Spiritual Consultant, and Angel Therapist and has created Healing Quantum-Lee “The Energetic Approach to Health and Wellness.” She is delighted to be a Certified Instructor of all of the Quantum-Touch Curriculum and Teach our New Level 1 & 2 Instructors and Trainers.
Carol has always known Energy Healing was empowering, but it was fourteen years ago when someone gave her the Quantum Touch book “The Power to Heal” a modality she had never heard of in my first years as a seeker. WOW, after reading the book and taking her first workshop, the energetic dots connected and Life Force Energy within her came alive.
Many times, throughout Carol’s studies and journey family, friends and people, in general, would question if Energy Healing really worked, prove it to me and of course there was always the money factor. Why pay so much for workshop?
The fact is the first workshop she took on energy healing was recommended by a Medical Doctor many years ago. At the time Carol was being treated for Pain associated with the medical diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, PTSD, and Surgical Trauma.
Carol found Energy Healing to be a lifesaver, life-changing a combination of easy to learn driplines started to bring her back to life, feeling good, better and better the more she studied and the more she practiced. At that time, she was saving every cent to pay for the next class investing in her health, wellbeing, and preventive practices that she now shares with others.
The understanding of Energy Medicine and Holistic modalities acquired in all those years now can be accomplished in a few short years. “The Energetic Approach to Health & Wellness” combined with the Quantum-Touch professional certification curriculum are invaluable workshops and are blended to create a wonderful field of Energy, Knowledge and life-changing results.
Carol is living proof!
Carol Lee is Certified to teach all the Quantum-Touch Curriculum and is a teacher Trainer
Circle of Light Testimony
Hi Carol . Hope this finds you well. Just wanted to tell you how much I love the Circle of Light workshop. I learn so much from listening to and connecting with the group. It allows me to experience my own intuition and learn to trust it more. It’s a special place to be vulnerable, to grow, and practice what we’re here to learn and do . Thank you for creating this sacred place for us. Looking forward to the next circle. With much love and gratitude.
Circle of Light Testimonials (Trusting your Intuition and Healing)
Hello everyone.
Thank you for sharing these images, Cathy. So amazing. I don’t know much about this kind of clearing, but it was fascinating to hear you and Kenzie share your insights. It made me think of the ho’oponopono prayer that one can use to clear objects, rooms, buildings, and lifetimes. I love this journey of discovery.
Thank you all for the healing energy you provided – I have had amazing insights the next day.
And thank you Carol for providing this space of high love energy for us. 💛
I have booked my ticket to Switzerland for this Friday; my mom is in rapid decline and my wish is to be there with her before she passes.
Last night I listened to this piece of music as I was praying for my mom. This beautiful frequency helped my heart energy grow and it provided me with great comfort, I was sending it to my mom for peace and comfort.
love to all.
Circle of Light Testimonials (Trusting your Intuition and Healing)
Hi All,
I wanted to share after my ‘clarity’ message from yesterday. I went for a walk in the park where the ‘block’ or ‘foundation’ of the work I have been doing is and was shocked to see the marker/block signifying coordinates on the map of Canada from 1783… has been destroyed. I will show you a picture of when I first did the clearing and another from today.
And then the gorgeous park today!!
Thank you for the clarity 🥰
Cathy J Marshall B.F.A., B.Ed
Private Tutor, Primary/Junior with special education focus
Certified Quantum-Touch™️ Practitioner
Certified Quantum-Touch™️Level 1 Instructor
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach(INHC)™️
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