Gathering of Angels

This fun-filled two day workshop was created by Spirit with the intention to enhance your understanding of the connection between humans and the Spirit World. We will explore your personal awareness and attune to your Guardian Angel and God Team assigned to you for this migration. This workshop profoundly deepens your connection with your Divine Team!

Some of the things you will experience and learn:

  • Creating a sacred space
  • Learn techniques to connect with each member of Your God Team
  • Enhance and embrace your Higher Sensory Perception
  • Receive and understand intuitive information through your chakras
  • Learn about the Universal language and symbols
  • Receive angelic messages throughout the workshop
  • Invoking God Teams when doing Spiritual Healing/Energy Work
  • The importance of integrity, discernment and discipline
  • Receive Invaluable informative Guidebook
  • You will leave this event feeling uplifted and light-hearted with the Source of unconditional love

Virtual with Carol!

Dates: March 1st & 2nd (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm (Eastern time) both days
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Host & Instructor: Carol Lee, 817-879-7320, carol@admin
Methods of payment or deposit: PayPal (, Cash App (817-879-7320), Zelle (817-879-7320) or Venmo (@Carol-Lee-235)

Workshop Investment: 

New Student Early Registration: $300.00 (21 days before workshop – Guidebook included)
*You may send a Non-refundable deposit of $100.00 to secure your early registration
New Student Regular Registration: $350.00 (Guidebook included)
Repeater Registration: $200.00 (bring your Guidebook)

Children are welcome but must be with a parent or guardian
Children 12 years and under: Free (Guidebook is $15.00)
Youth 13-18 years old: $200.00 (Guidebook is included)

Replacement Guidebooks: $15.00

Angel Workshop Testimonials:

Combining many Energy-Based Modalities and the Love of a Class

“Thank you so much, this is my third day with no hives or pain. Carol you and your class are amazing! I have been so sick for so long I almost forgot how it feels to wake up and have a pain-free day. I am still in fear the pain will return but it has been 3 days and NO Pain or Hives.

Love you and bless you and your class, I am forever grateful!!!!” 

This statement of “Thanks” is from Diane, a 38 year old relative I scheduled for a session during a lunch break in a Healing with Angel’s workshop last weekend in Springboro. I informed my class that I would be doing a session at lunch if anyone wanted to assist after they were finished with their lunch.

As many of you know I have been working with Angels, the unseen energies around us and the Energy and Essence of your Vibrational Frequencies you were born with. Yes, your Personal Harmonic at Core and Soul Level! This is an Advanced Energy Medicine workshop and the prerequisite is Gathering of Angels, Quantum-Touch Level 1 and 2.

Before scheduling the session, all I was told about Diane was that about 6 months ago she had a dental procedure, had an allergic reactions to the anesthetic, and she ended up with an infection which lead to multi dental procedures. She has been in pain for many months with hives and nerve ending pain, has consulted many doctors and specialists with no help and now takes an unbelievable amount of drugs to ease the pain.

When Diane came in for the session, several of the men in the class decided not to go to lunch but rather assist in this healing. Diane has never experienced energy healing before but trusted me and that her prayers were being answered. As my colleagues and I began to work I was curious about some of the intuitive information I was receiving although continue to follow guidance and QT Level 1 techniques, Sweep and Breathe, and the chase the pain technique.

Diane began to cough and stated choking and we were able to gently guide her through her first traumatic release (QT L 1 “sandwich the pain” and the “Julian” technique). Her body was unwinding the memories of many experiences and as I questioned her with a soft and gentle voice, she told us she has had 17 surgeries including open heart surgery to remove a tumor.

My immediate thoughts were, “OMG” but quickly brought myself back to center with no judgment or limiting thoughts that may interfere with Diane’s healing. In this case it was truly best we did not know her life story and medical history but rather trust all we know to be true is “Love” that Diane was the Healer.

Although now realizing we were dealing with much more than what was presented we continued to trust the Life Force Energy, Help from Above, our Angels, the techniques and procedures of QT L 1 & 2 and the experience of all the practitioners.

One by one the class was coming in from lunch and one by one they all began to work on Diane. As a Spiritual Consultant and Teacher of Energy Medicine I was honored to be a part of this group with my colleagues and the profound results in this session.

I continue to stay in contact with Diane and coach her through each day as her Healing has begun, assisting in regaining her Power to Heal.

In Light,

Carol Lee, Quantum-Touch Level 1 & 2 Instructor, Mentor and Angel Therapist.

Hi Carol, 

I trust the angels got you home safely. What an incredible week it has been. Between the monumental healing given to my brother, the incredible weekend workshop filled with healing, Cristina’s breakthrough, Rick’s trauma healing, Annamaria’s healing, and let’s not forget our friend Debbie… That healing tops them all.

Boy the angels kept you busy this time around. We really shared a lot over the past few days.

It was a beautiful experience to get to know each other better. We are so grateful to have you in our lives. Thank you for all of the tremendous healing you so unconditionally gave of yourself to my family. You are a tremendous soul that I am so honored to call my friend. I wish to instill all of the loving generosity that you have shared with me/us with others. As you did with us, we will pay it forward with others in your honor. 

Thank you Carol for being such a light bearer of love and integrity. Your light will always shine through us onto others. We look forward to more beautiful moments together.

In Love & Healing White Light, 

Paula, Rick, Annamaria, & Cristina

Dearest Carol, 

Thank you from the bottom of my grounded tree roots for the precious gift you have passed on to me.  I am having so much fun with my Angels!!  It is truly changing my life AND I have helped quite a few of my patients meet one or more of their Angels.  They are all getting clear and exciting awareness of the Love and support available to them.  My life right now is crazy busy, yet I don’t feel the frenzy anymore…I feel calm and guided and focused on what is in front of me for the moment.  Somehow I am getting more done than ever without feeling stressed.  I stay in constant contact with my God Team and we are having a blast.  I have been using the triangle to assist others as you suggested too….my God Team to their God Team.  I have not felt the same energy drain like I used to.  

It was such a pleasure to meet you and the others in the group…what a Blessing!! 

Thank you so much!

Kim (Dentist in Florida) 

Hi Carol, 

I thought I would pen this letter to express my deepest thanks for your personal commitment to improve my skills. The level to which the Healing with Angels class takes this tops the list. It is amazing that as we learn more about the spiritual healing practices, it never ceases to impress me that we possess the level of assistance we can bring to a person in need, and to a healing we can actually channel. The ability to recognize by feel, where the aura exists, to adjust it; or to work the Hara line is astounding. I actually used this technique on my daughter who could not make a decision, and yes she had an aura that was not in the right place. 

So, thanks again. I shall see you again I am sure, to reinforce all the learning and sharpen the tools I have learned from you since my first class. All of this has been invaluable to my clients, and I can’t wait to introduce my expanded skill set where it makes best sense. Please thank Jason and Hannah for helping with the class and all the work that went into the manuals. I understand the work that goes into a production like this and it was wonderful. 

Blessings to you and your craft.


Hi Carol,  

Just wanted to let you know how much I loved the Healing with the Angels class. It was amazing!!  Despite heavy workload yesterday due to being out for a meeting today, I felt light and energized and found myself doing my chakra work and staying connected to my God Team more consistently than I ever have in the past. My awareness of energy and the angels increased by leaps during the class and this feels like something I will stick with and use all the time. 

Thanks to you and your God Team for bringing this class to the world. It’s time has clearly come.  I’ll keep you posted on results as I use it at work and elsewhere. 


I recommend this class to anyone who is searching for guidance and love.  How I ended up in this class was by guidance entirely.  I live in Iowa and was going through a rough grief period and had made plans to come to Texas to see my cousin in January.  In December I was having a Reiki session when I heard someone say in my head “you are going to Texas, take some energy classes”.  I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and had thought about some other classes in other modalities.  I got off the table and checked the computer for energy classes in Burleson, Texas.  Carol Lee’s info came up and I thought I would think about it.  Next my cousin sent me a packet of flyers she picked up at the Holistic Fair and in the packet was Carol Lee’s flyer on Angels and Quantum-Touch.  I decided the universe did not need to hit me over the head to get the information so I contacted Carol Lee and signed up for her Quantum-Touch class.

After I arrived in Texas I contacted Carol Lee to have a session with her.  During our session together she told me she was guided to tell me about her “Gathering of Angels” class that was scheduled for the following weekend. I took her guidance and attended the class. The class was awesome, after I found out who was on my God Team a lot of questions were answered for me.  Whenever I do a Reiki session, I always sense an Angel presence but never questioned who it was or why, I just accepted that the Angel was there. Once I had its name I decided to see how it would work.  After class on the first day I did have a Reiki session with my cousin’s husband who just came home from surgery.  I asked my Angel to assist me in the session and I immediately felt the energy amp up 10 fold.  I felt I was totally grounded but my body felt so warm I wondered if I was going to melt into the floor.  The experience was absolutely the most loving and caring session I have had.

Every day I do mediation with my God Team and use the prayers Carol Lee gave in class. It is a wonderful feeling to know every day they are with me guiding me and I am following my true path for my life in this time.

Carol Lee is kind, gentle, loving and fun teacher and is there for you every step of the class.

Many thanks to Carol Lee,


Hi Carol,

I just wanted to thank you for presenting such important work to us and our group this weekend. It has taken a day or so for us to begin to process the frequencies the angels have given us.

Wow!! Rick and I have been blown away. They have definitely been working on us. What an extraordinary experience we had and are having, especially Rick. He has been connecting with Ashtar and Padre Pio quite a bit. I have been connecting with my Guardian Angel and she is slowly integrating more frequencies in me.

There are no words to express how grateful we are to have you as part of our lives. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the work.

We send you lots of love and hugs,
Paula & Rick